


Portrait / Headshot




Bar & Bat Mitzvah



Wedding Video



About Robin

Client List











117 West Mt. Airy Avenue

Philadelphia, PA 19119

p: 267.250.9125

e: robin@robinmillerphotography.com

About Robin Miller

Robin Miller has over twenty five years experience in commercial photography. She is a master at photographing people "where they live" - in corporations, industrial locations, hospitals, universities, government sites, public spaces, concert halls and athletic fields. Her subjects include CEOs, surgeons, patients, attorneys, athletes, politicians, children and university students. She also loves to give back to the community through working for nonprofit organizations that support populations like the homeless, immigrants, disabled and disadvantaged children.


Robin's clients - from top political figures to young children - love having their picture taken by her. She puts people at ease with her warmth and sense of humor. That is one of the qualities that distinguish her. John Street, the mayor of Philadelphia, calls her "a photographer with personality."


Robin's work truly speaks for itself. Whether it's open heart surgery, building interiors/exteriors, historical sites, leaders in corporate environments, political and social events or an athletic competition, her work captures the heart of whatever she shoots through fine composition and attention to design and detail.

Robin has a B.F.A. in photography from the Philadelphia College of Art and continues to learn new and innovative photography techniques. She has taught photography at universities, and to children for over twenty five years.


© 2013 Robin Miller Photography